PT3.3s : additional -pf added with each new resource
The dbmonitor.p is adding the "-pf etc/" for each subsequent database resource in the etc/dblist.cfg….
_progres -b -p util/pt3agent.p -param db1 /db/db1 -pf etc/ -T ...
_progres -b -p util/pt3agent.p -param db2 /db/db2 -pf etc/ -pf etc/ -T ...
_progres -b -p util/pt3agent.p -param db3 /db/db3 -pf etc/ -pf etc/ -pf etc/ -T ...
_progres -b -p util/pt3agent.p -param db4 /db/db4 -pf etc/ -pf etc/ -pf etc/ -pf etc/ -T ... -
It is ugly and annoying but it should be harmless.
The issue has been fixed in the next release.